Learning Objectives

Learn how to help your community deepen their bond with God and each other by creating a culture of spiritual rhythms in your community.

  • Identify the benefits of a healthy culture of spiritual rhythms and why communal spiritual practices are essential for a thriving ministry

  • Assess your community’s communal spiritual rhythms and grow your community’s spiritual rhythms through key communal practices like testimony sharing and Sabbath-keeping

  • Process with God and yourself some of the common barriers for leaders and create a plan to help you and your ministry grow in spiritual rhythm

Play Your Way

Engage with the material in your context!

  • ~60 minutes (self-paced)

    All your progress will be saved so you can resume where you left off.

  • Course Quicksheet (pdf)

    This is a quick summary of the material that you can use as a preview of the course or as a refresher once you've taken it.

  • Resource Toolbox

    See a list of the resources referenced in this course, all collected in one spot for your convenience.

Course Curriculum

  • 1

    Chapter 1: Communal Spiritual Rhythms

    • Introduction

    • Before we begin . . .

  • 2

    Chapter 2: The Power of Communal Spiritual Rhythms

    • Lesson 1: What are Communal Spiritual Rhythms?

    • Lesson 2: A Healthy Culture of Spiritual Rhythms

  • 3

    Chapter 3: Putting It Into Practice

    • Lesson 1: Categories of Rhythms

    • Lesson 2: Inviting Non-Christians into Spiritual Practices

    • Lesson 3: Where to Start

  • 4

    Chapter 4: Spiritual Practices to Incorporate Into Your Rhythm

    • Lesson 1: Prayer

    • Lesson 2: Worship

    • Lesson 3: Studying Scripture

    • Lesson 4: Sabbath

    • Lesson 5: Sharing Testimonies

    • Lesson 6: Fasting

  • 5

    Chapter 5: Leading Culture Change

    • Lesson 1: Communal Discernment

    • Lesson 2: Talking About Spiritual Authority

    • Lesson 3: Navigating Risks in Spiritual Leadership

    • Lesson 4: Finding Sustainable Rhythms

    • Lesson 5: A Breath Prayer Exercise

  • 6

    Chapter 6: Conclusion

    • Closing Remarks

    • Before you go . . .

Resource Toolbox

All resources referenced from this course will be linked below for your convenience to view and download. Please adapt these resources to what works for you in your ministry context.


Cultivate Spiritual Rhythms Quicksheet

(5-page pdf)

This is a quick summary of the material that you can use as a preview of the course or as a refresher once you've taken it!


Cultivate Spiritual Rhythms: Chapter Assessment

(1-page pdf)

This assessment is designed to gauge the spiritual rhythms practiced within your chapter.


Cultivate Spiritual Rhythms Assessment

(2-page pdf)

This is a self-assessment to help you evaluate your proficiency in cultivating spiritual rhythms.


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Why Pray Together?

(InterVarsity Blog)

The article underscores the importance of prayer for the future and the need to invest in prayer as a vital component of your mission and vision.


Anchored in Jesus: A Retreat and Prayer Guide to Begin NSO

(Ministry Library Page)

A retreat guide to help you stay anchored in Jesus during the New Student Outreach season.


Diverse Worship Video Series

(Ministry Library page)

This video series will help you see the value of diverse worship and help you put it into practice.


Diverse Worship Matters Workbook

(Ministry Library Page)

An interactive workbook to help you see the value of diverse worship and provide practical tools to put it into practice.


Leading Prayer Meetings

(2-page PDF)

A guide to help you lead a prayer meeting either in person or online.


Listening Prayer Guide

(Ministry Library page)

A step-by-step guide on listening prayer, for Christians and non-Christians.


Host a Launch Gathering

(Ministry Library page)

This two week guide will help you launch your community.


Prayer Guide for NSO

(3-page PDF)

A guide for leading a prayer time for New Student Outreach.


Small Group Bible Study Collection

(Ministry Library Page)

A collection of ready-made Bible studies.


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Quiet Time Bible Guide

by Cindy Bunch

Based on IVP's bestselling LifeGuide Bible Study series, the Quiet Time Bible Guide helps you dig into Scripture for yourself, developing a deeper and stronger relationship with God in the process.


Atomic Habits

by James Clear

No matter your goals, Atomic Habits offers a proven framework for improving--every day.


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