• Why do I need to make an account?

    In order to enroll and access the content in a course, you'll need to have a login. By making this account, you'll be able to save your progress.

  • How much do these courses cost?

    They’re free! Every course, every chapter, and every lesson is available to access. We want everyone with a passion for reaching colleges with the gospel to have every available tool at their disposal.

    If the Playbook has had a meaningful impact on you and your ministry, we do ask that you consider donating to the Ministry Playbook. Your gift will help equip a generation of students, faculty, volunteers, and campus ministers.

  • Is the Ministry Playbook part of InterVarsity?

    Yes! All the resources and courses here are based on strategies that InterVarsity has developed and used for campus ministry over the years.

  • How do I contact you?

    Email questions, concerns, suggestions, or feedback to [email protected] and we’ll get back to you soon.