Learning Objectives

Whether you’re new to campus ministry or just wanting to grow your ministry skill set, we’ve got resources designed with you in mind. This brief, 15-minute course will orient you to the Ministry Playbook so you can make the most of your experience.

  • Know what to expect from the Ministry Playbook

  • Find your way around the Ministry Playbook

  • Take your first steps into the Ministry Playbook

  • Invite others to benefit from the Ministry Playbook

Course Curriculum

Estimated time to complete: ~15 minutes

  • 1

    Chapter 1: Introducing the Playbook

    • Welcome!

    • Introduction

    • Why the Ministry Playbook?

    • Before we begin . . .

  • 2

    Chapter 2: Playbook Tour

    • Lesson 1: What to Expect in the Ministry Playbook

    • Lesson 2: Take the Playbook Tour

    • Lesson 3: Dive into the Playbook!

    • Lesson 3: Three Ideas to Get Started

    • Sample Quiz

  • 3


    • Closing Remarks

    • Before you go . . .